I can't tell you how many times I've heard my fellow sisters in Christ tell me they've always wanted to write and self-publish a Christian book online, but they're just not sure where to start.
I mean, these women have incredible book ideas that can earn passive income while inspiring so many others in many different ways -
But for some reason the fear of getting started or the lack of confidence in knowing how to write & self-publish a Christian book online keeps so many of us Christian daughters from doing the work.
If that's you, don't worry - I have some great news for you.
What if I told you that all praise to God, I'm now able to write and self-publish a Christian book within a day?
In fact, the quickest I've ever gotten a book done is less than 1 hour.
What would you do if you had the knowledge you needed to get your Christian book done that quickly? Would you finally write & self-publish your Christian book online? Would you finally leverage your book to make passive income in your online business?
Would you finally see your dream of becoming a Christian author come true? Sis, read below to hear the details of my brand new eBook I've written that will teach you my step-by-step formula for how I write & self-publish Christian books FAST -
And how you can do it too.